[TRANS] iKON: We're concentrating on domestic activities, and want to start climbing up step by step. Interview at 9AM KST
Q: What do you want to get out of these promotions?
DONGHYUK: I hope each individual member can gain visibility.
B.I: We have a lot of plans for domestic activities, so I hope more people can know about us. I want to climb up another step.
BOBBY: I personally really related with B.I saying that he's not living and dying by the charts. The fact that we released our album shows that we achieved what we wanted to do. I think working hard and making memories is the most meaningful thing we can do.
JINHWAN: We've just been doing exactly what we've set out wanting to do from the start. B.I, who writes the songs, is good at writing emotional lyrics. I think they're received well by others, and we want to show many different sides of us instead of sticking to a single genre.
B.I: This song is somewhere in between MY TYPE and hip hop. It isn't too slow or too fast, and the warm and cheerful vibe fits well. We fit a lot of different genres -- we could even do rock
DONGHYUK: The album is called Return because we wanted it to mean that we're going back to our roots. We decided to flesh out our individual feelings through music.
B.I: It wasn't too hard making the album. I tried to enjoy working on it this time. Music is still closer to a hobby than a career for me. I turned my phone off for 10 hours after the release and turned it back on to check my schedule, but I checked the charts and left it on.
B.I: Getting #1 on charts is our hope, but if we don't, it isn't the end of the world. We can still make the music that we want to. It's great if we do, but we'll just try again if we don't. We've made a lot of songs and have plenty of bullets ready.
JUNHOE: I had high expectations but not a lot of pressure. Actually, our CEO told us that we don't need to get #1, but that it would be enough to be recognized as a group with our own color, and that gave me enough pressure on its own.
iKON: We practiced our vocals a lot during the hiatus. We worked hard and took some charge to recharge in order to show well-bodied colors.
JINHWAN: Our CEO told us that singers are the best when they act like singers, so the vocals focused on our vocals and the rappers on rap.
JINHWAN: B.I totally plays by the book. He grills us until we're perfect. He understands our styles. However, he's less of a perfectionist than before, and is more understanding now.
DONGHYUK: It seems that we improved faster because of it. It became a reason to work hard.
BOBBY: Our work went smoothly because iKON banded closely together throughout it all, following each other well. I remember practicing really hard. Each of us grew more ambitious as we prepared thoroughly.
B.I: I feel like we're outsiders within YG. Maybe it's because we have a B-list vibe. I think we have a color that's a little bent out from YG's color.
BOBBY: I disagree. iKON can't be considered B-list.
B.I : Then am I the only B-lister?
DONGHYUK: I think we have the image of younger brothers to a lot of fans because we've been broadcasted since we were young, and showed a lot of sides of ourselves. We have an approachable, mischievous vibe, not B-list.
HANBIN: To do cool concepts, you have to be cool, but iKON isn't cool, so we can't do cool concepts. Our color is definitely different from WINNER's
BOBBY: It's sad to see you taking your humility so far as to make it self-dissing
JUNHOE: iKON are A-listers!
B.I: The song I wrote with Tablo hyung is from 4 years ago. I wrote it first and showed Blo hyung, but he unexpectedly liked it so much. We recorded it as is and he helped me clean up the lyrics and arrangement to complete the song. I think he favored us a bit.
B.I: Not just with the song, but he gave us advice on our promotions as well and took a lot of care for us. He told us not to be nervous and that the day would come when we'd see the light, even before our comeback. He's like a warm older brother to us.
BOBBY: The Knowing Bros MCs are incredible. I found it hard to get a word in. B.I: I think it was the hardest broadcast I've ever been on. Seungri hyung was really great, like a veteran. I couldn't say a word for the first 20 minutes. I'm worried I won't be invited anywhere now.
B.I: WINNER's Song Mino hyung called me, and I told him it was hard, and he agreed, "it is hard. I had such a difficult time, too. The MCs are exactly the same as on TV." (impersonating Mino's voice)
JUNHOE: It really was difficult, and I personally felt really discouraged. Even PSY hyung said he sweated buckets on that show. And he's been doing this for years, so we were even worse. No one really tried to discourage us, but I still felt discouraged.
B.I: Kang Hodong sunbae came to our waiting room to tell us to find strength
B.I: I wanted to go on Knowing Bros, and my dream came true. It wasn't easy, though
YUNHYEONG: I want to go on I Live Alone, but I can't, because I don't live alone right now
DONGHYUK: I want to go on radios and meet fans through other content.
YUNHYEONG: The company says I have variety potential, and I think I laid down a lot through these promotions. I laid down my gentle image and showed my hidden personality. I laid it all down
B.I: There was never any gentleness to begin with. It was all made up
B.I: We drew out his weirdness into the world and he turned himself into his own character and it ended up being funny
JUNHOE: He's been pretending to be gentle. I think his naturally funny personality is starting to come out.
B.I: I had a change of heart while we were promoting in Japan. As I aged one, two years, I was still at rock bottom, and was getting comfortable down here, not feeling like I really wanted to rise so that the world could see us. I don't mind staying here if it keeps me humble.
JUNHOE: Up until last year, our CEO seemed like a very strict and fearsome father, but this year he feels so warm to us. He told us he'd communicate with us and we are, very comfortably. He's even been cracking jokes.
B.I: We're really thankful to our CEO for taking fans' suggestions into consideration. We're also thankful that he's promoting us without actual promotions and trying to take care of us.
CHANWOO: I, too, have a lot of fun looking through his IG. I look forward to it because I have no clue what kind of things he'll post, and when. I thought he was stern, but he's very friendly and showing a younger side of him.
YUNHYEONG: It's Chanwoo's birthday, and it's like we got a gift along with him.
CHANWOO: I am that Chanwoo, whose birthday is today. It's such a precious thing that our promotions overlapped with my birthday, and I'm so thankful that we got a taste of being #1.
YUNHYEONG: Our CEO's been taking a lot of care for our comeback. He even came to see us for our outfit fittings, and is watching our fans' reactions carefully.
CHANWOO: Our CEO told us we'd be on a lot of varieties, and he told me to get myself out there from now. I realized that if I don't do anything, I won't come out. I better do SOMETHING this time around.
CHANWOO: When we practice, B.I tells us to come right on the clock, but he doesn't come out himself. Even if Donghyuk and I call him a lot, we have to go wake him up ourselves.
B.I: The BIGBANG sunbaes are starting to enlist. We can't ruin what they've achieved, so we have to do at least half of what they have. We need to make sure we don't embarrass them, so we need to improve on our weak points.
B.I: If the first album was made more sensitively, it was more difficult for me. I felt more comfortable working on this album. Every moment of it was enjoyable. I tend to find self satisfaction when working on my songs, and LOVE SCENARIO is my most treasured song of all released
iKON: It's hard to return to your roots. I think it's something that you have to continue going back to, because we're constantly moving forward, but our roots remain behind us and we need to keep turning back. We wanted to go back to our fans with a sorry and thankful heart.
cr. ikonOT7
iKON didn't expect they will get no.1 Jinhwan even said he will go shirtless on stage if they get no.1 so when they really got no.1 they are all be like "we are ruined" HAHAHAHAH
Bobby said "since it is a single title track not double so it is a pity that they can only show only one song on stage" then B.I comforted him with "it is okay everyone still can listen to all 12 http://songs.It is happiness already."
Junhoe: Right when we got no.1 at dawn we gave a call to YG CEO and he said “Congratulations you guys did it”. Looks like he keeps monitoring the charts.
Jinhwan: I am close with Jinwoo hyung. Before we reached #1 I received a text from him saying “Let’s go to #1”. I received a strength from that one word.
Aww B.I said his little dongsaeng have been waiting for his domestic activities since before. She is excitedã… ã…
Me after reading Jinhwan talked about her mom asking “when will my son be on tv” hanbin about hanbyul waiting for domestic activities and yunhyeong about his grandma even rewatch LOTJ for few times Be happy now everyone!
Donghyuk: Epik High Tablo is like my real brother. He gives me warm advices.
cr. syh_bae
Donghyuk: My family is also expecting a lot from the promotions this time around. They're hoping that I appear on TV because I think they miss me. They also contact me a lot.
Yun: My grandma has a lot of interest in me. When I go to her house there's a spread of my pictures in her room. When I went on Laws of the Jungle last time, she even watched the replays. She likes to see me when I appear on TV. It feels like I'm being a good grandson to her.
Hanbin: My younger sister loves going to concerts. We did a lot of concerts in Japan and she was upset because she couldn't follow along with the lyrics. If I tell her we're doing a fan meeting and concert in Korea, I think she'll be very happy
Jinhwan: My mom doesn't watch TV but when I became a singer she bought one. Because I can't appear a lot she always asks "Son when are you appearing?"and I always reply "soon." Now I'm going on a lot of varieties so I will work hard and think this is a way for me to be a good son
cr. bynhyuk
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[Full Interview] iKON, the icon of music and popularity
Read here>> https://ikoniccity1.wordpress.com/2018/03/05/full-interview-ikon-the-icon-of-music-and-popularity/
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