BIGBANG’s younger brother friends・Japanese girls are madly in love with iKON!Their true faces are?【Exclusive interview】
Songs in Japanese and “iKON language”, aim for the top!
Q: Congratulations on the release of your Japan original single「DUMB&DUMBER」! First off, please explain the charms of these four songs on the track list .
B.I:「DUMB&DUMBER」is an upbeat song with intense sound that builds up to the top.The MV’s main point is our image of energetically and happily moving around.
Junhoe: I think this is the song where we can let our real selves out the most. Like messing around together, there’s a gag-like atmosphere. More than coolness, this song is full of our usual selves. Up on stage we’re doing things like making weird faces, being noisy….anyway, this song is packed with our current “youth”.
B.I: A total change in atmosphere from「DUMB&DUMBER」,「#WYD」is a sweet song. We’re singing with a heart fluttering with love.
Chanwoo: We’re showing a pure and sweet image that until now we weren’t able to show everyone. With the MV too, we’ll be happy if the fans are pleased. It brings out a sweet atmosphere, so…(laughs).
Q: The track「LOVE ME」is what B.I and Junhwe co-composed with producers CHOICE37 and Kush, right?
B.I: Because we made a Korean version first, when we were trying to record the Japanese version I felt that it’s easier to listen to in Japanese, it fits nicely….And because I also thought the style suits Japan better, we recorded it for the single this time!
Q: [LOVE ME] , how do you say, exposes a guy’s bad points and true intentions, it’s a cute song that stirs up sympathy!
BOBBY: It expresses the image of our bare selves. No doubt, that’s iKON!
Yunhyeong: If you look at the lyrics lacking confidence, it’s kind of a lonely song, but if you listen to the melody, it’s bright and happy. How should I say, I think it’s a song that can show both positive and negative sides.
◆Japanese you use frequently is “feelin’ good” ?
Q:「SINOSIJAK」means “start”, and iKON coined the usage, right? If any of you have used “iKON language “ recently, please start off!
B.I: Do we…? It seems like I have a pattern of suddenly being asked and not remembering(laughs).
Junhoe: It’s not “iKON language”, but recently saying “feelin’ good” (a variation of the standard Japanese phrase), aren’t I using it often?
Chanwoo: Hm…
Junhoe: Why are you all acting like you don’t know!(laughs).
Yunhyeong: Isn’t that something that comes out in Japanese games?
Chanwoo: It’s from a character in some game.
Q: There’s a character who says “feelin’ good”? (laughs)
Chanwoo: They don’t actually say “feelin’ good”, but the pronunciation sounds that way.
Jinhwan: When we make new “iKON language”, we’ll be sure to tell you at that time.
Q: Then, do you have a word you use often when you come to Japan?
BOBBY: It’s not a coined phrase, but saying “thanks a bunch!” is my favorite Japanese greeting.
Jinhwan: (After thinking for a moment) Now that you mention it…I have a word I use often when we’re performing live.
Junhoe: That’s right. I was thinking, why haven’t you said it…(laughs).
Jinhwan: But that…
Chanwoo: Honestly, you didn’t say it because saying it is embarrassing, right?(laughs)
Jinhwan: It’s like saying[Konnichiwa], but I combine it with Chihuahua and do my greeting as「Konni-chihuahua」.
Yunhyeong: Do it with the pose!
Jinhwan: (Posing)「Konni-chihuahua~」
Members: …(Snickering)
◆Performing at Tokyo Dome is the dream. Something that we’re lacking is?
Q: You’re good at both Japanese and “iKON language”, aren’t you! (laughs). The dome tour that everyone says is a dream, your popularity is enough for it to come true soon. Even so, what is the thing that makes you feel “we’re still lacking”?
Yunhyeong: First off, since we’ve experienced watching BIG BANG’S live stages a lot, of course I think the thing we lack the most is language. Because if we understand the language, I think of course fans will respond, if we can improve our Japanese level.
BOBBY: Then, I wonder about on-stage charisma…
B.I: It’s presence, isn’t it? Time should resolve that for us! If we gain experience and mature more and more, we’ll handle that problem some way or another!
BOBBY: Like B.I said, I really have a feeling we’ll handle it somehow!
Members: That’s right!
Jinhwan: For me, because we released a new single in Japan this time…I think it’s also important that through this single, lots of people learn more about iKON. In order to be able to have a concert at Tokyo Dome someday, from now we want to do our best with our activities in Japan!
Trans by : EM @ iKON GLOBAL | take out with full credits.
Interview Trans cr. @syh_bae
scan cr. @lover_bnh
Interview Trans cr. @gimambin
Interview Trans cr. @ikonstype_

Q. If you start to like female older than you, how would you approach her?
Yunhyeong: I’m quiet (mature) so I like females who listens very well, but I don’t want her to feel like she is older. I would either not speak informally with her like a kid or just act like a manly adult. I’m going to approach her in a gentle way.
Junhoe: I would not forcefully try to use my strength but I would actually make my youthfulness an appeal and straightly deliver my feelings. For example, I would say “I miss you!” and make unreasonable demand or call her “you”. Like a bad boy type.
Jinhwan: For me, even if I start liking somebody I don’t tell them right away. I’m very cautious so I look around and research how that person feels about me. So if I see that I have a chance, I think on how I should start approaching them.
Donghyuk: Before I confess, I want to be aware of all her needs and do everything for her. Like for example, if it looks like she’s thirsty I would buy her a drink or when she’s having a complicated time with something I would help her. I think helping, caring for what she needs is a way I approach people.
Bobby: Younger or older, if I start liking somebody I confess right away. So even if I get rejected I think it would work out if I’m persistent so I try until the end. I like chasing rather than being chased.
Chanwoo: I don’t want them to feel like I am younger so I will look after her well and care even for the littlest things. When I walk with her I will walk on the side of the road or tell her to be careful and protect her as a man.
Hanbin: At first, I will approach her as a friend and let them forget about the age gap. I’m going to make a friend-like relationship with her and relax her. Then I want to confess out of nowhere and make her heart pound.
Trans by :
[JPN-KOR] BEMECHURI | take out with full credits.
[KOR-ENG] IKONRELATABLE | take out with full credits.
He is very manly and reliable on stage but usually he is the leader that shows us a lot of his cute side and is full of cuteness - Chanwoo
Q. Tell us a memory you have about Christmas.
Hanbin: I believed in Santa until I was 9 years old and even when I find out that Santa did not exist, I wasn’t so shocked. 2 years ago on Christmas day, I got to participate in Big Bang sunbaenims concert as a guest and last Christmas, iKON’s first album came out. I was busy at that time of the year so I didn’t get to do Christmasy things but I felt like I received the best present from Santa for two years straight.
Q. Suggest a good tour side for us in Korea.
Hanbin: Hongdae. It is Korea’s cultural spot that has fashion, arts and tasty restaurants that young people would like. I guess it’s like Japan’s Harajuku or Shibuya? It is a place that people who do music gather around so you can see street performances too. It is very energetic so if you guys visit I think you will be able to be inspired for sure!
Q. How did you feel when you finally debuted after all the survival programs you went through as a trainee ?
Hanbin: I worked very hard for a long time practicing so when our debut was confirmed, it felt like I was rewarded for all my hard work and time that I put in. At the same time, because my wish was fulfilled I thought “finally I can start. This is the beginning!” and my heart pounded.
He is the most hard-working in the group, but he doesn’t express it, he always go with bright and friendly image that fully attract me and fans too (Laughs) - Bobby
Q. The secret to good relationship between iKON members?
Jinhwan: Why..? Because the oldest one (himself) is the reliable person?..It’s a joke(laughs). Basically isn’t it because everyone have good manner/ polite? When we’re together we don’t really put attention on hyung-dongsaeng relationship and get along comfortably but each of us always respecting and considering to other members. So we don’t fight at all. With this good relationship atmosphere, we will show it on stage for our performance too.
Q. Please tell us about your memories on Christmas.
Jinhwan: Seoul is really cold at December, there is a lot of snow too. So if it’s about Christmas there is a lot of snowfall image since the old times. When I was young, I make a snowman and play with it often. Also, a scene on the street with snow on it, leave a great impression on me. At house and street, all become white, it’s so pretty. It would be good if this year become white Christmas too.
Q. Kind of date that you wanted to do on Christmas ?
Jinhwan: The illumination on Christmas is sparkling, even if we don’t do anything, the atmosphere is romantic. So we can just looking through that. It will be good if we could just enjoy that, if we feel special mood at that time, I want to hold hands and walk on the streets.
Trans by :
[JPN-KOR] BEMECHURI | take out with full credits.
[KOR-ENG] IKONRELATABLE - Hanbin Part | take out with full credits.
[KOR-ENG] HANBINAW - Jinhwan Part | take out with full credits.
Yunhyeong hyung’s weapon is clear high tone voice which is the best among iKON. His personality is great, he never overslept or being late. He’s a man! - Junhoe
Q. Your most favorite place in Japan among the places you have been to ?
Yunhyeong: Fuji-Q Highland! I really love the roller coaster it makes all tension flew away also haunted house is excellent. There are scaredy cats among the members but I’m kinda okay with scary things so I had a fun time. I want to go for dating there. I will definitely protect my girlfriend over the things she afraid to!
Q. What kind of fashion you like on girl ?
Yunhyeong: I like feminine fashion with pure and elegant feels like knee-length skirt, blouse and I am into someone who is a good listener and matured, that kind of personality is my type. Girl who is doing her work diligently and working hard is charming.
Q. The song that you recommend for our reader who is going to listen to iKON song for the first time.
Yunhyeong: LOVE ME. It is for a person I like, if you know my shortcomings or weaknesses, are you still going to love me ? It is a song about man’s heart who is falling in love. Since is it about man-woman relationship, I think readers can relate to the song which the man who can’t show (his love) to the woman when she is in front of him yet wish for his heart is known through the song. I also like this song because even though the lyric of the song is kinda sad but the melody is fun. You can enjoy two emotions, sad and bright which is contradictory.
Every time he raps, Bobby hyung shows a strong charisma and energy. But down from stage he becomes an easy-going hyung. His double-sides are his charm. - Donghyuk
Q. Please tell us about your memories on Christmas.
Bobby: When I was young, every time it was 25th December, I participated on event at the church. Many families gathered, we sang hymns and lighted up candles on Christmas. I was still young so I don’t know what does it mean. I’m waiting the most for snacks that I will get after the event ended, I was happy. (laughs)
Q. The secret to the good relationship between iKON members?
Bobby: Our age is between 18 until 22 years old, but there’s no point on such top & bottom / seniors & subordinates relationship. However your age we accept and respect each other. Each of the members could just be like themselves. We have different characters, it’s our personalities and we should understand it. If I have those surrounding with the members, I think myself will always be happy.
Q. Your ambition forward ?
Bobby: I love music and raps that I did, even for a little I want people to listen to it more. Also in the future, I want people in the world to sing iKON songs, this is my dream. I will work hard for that, to everyone in Japan too, please support us!
Trans by :
[JPN-KOR] BEMECHURI | take out with full credits.
[KOR-ENG] SYH_BAE - Yunhyeong Part | take out with full credits.
[KOR-ENG] HANBINAW - Bobby Part | take out with full credits.
For anything that he did, I think he always put a smile on everyone and he likes to give people a sense of happiness. Because he knew the point that females like, he’s the most popular! - Jinhwan
Q. Please tell us about your memories on Christmas.
Donghyuk: Since the old days, in every year I like Christmas the most. But in our house, since I was young I never got any gift from my parents. The one who give the gifts is Santa, but on the other way my parents let us do the gifts by ourselves. I was always thinking about what should I give every year…but I was young, the great memory is that I did the origami. I knew that Santa is my parent when I was at elementary school, so I didn’t really get a big shock. Anyway, I’m curious about the gift that I gave now (laughs).
Q. An ideal Christmas date?
Donghyuk: Firstly, I want to go to a place with great decoration and huge trees. It’s good if two of us could spent it quietly but I like a cheerful and splendid atmosphere with a lot of people. So to get the best feeling of Christmas, I want two of us to enjoy it together at a fun place with celebration feels.
Q. Your ambition forward ?
Donghyuk: I like singing, but on the forward I want to increase my dance skills higher. Also, I want to hear people saying Donghyuk is the most powerful dancer in the group. I’ll work hard.
Junhoe is really a freely-living person and he’s manly. But on the inside he’s really delicate. He pays attention to people and he has good personality. - Yunhyeong
Q. If you have a date at Japan, where is the place that you want to go?
Junhoe: Hot spring! I want to meet monkeys there. In Japan there’s a hot spring with monkey in it, I want to check and confirm whether it’s real. Also, if it’s a date I wanted to go to amusement park but I really can’t ride on the roller-coaster. When we went to Fuji-Q together, all the members were having fun. I’m the only one who couldn’t ride it, so I just can continuously looking at them from below. It’s my only weakness (laughs).
Q. Which type of fanshion do you like on a female ?
Junhoe: If it’s the person that I like, every fashion is good. Also for me, I like cool and cat-like females. Slanting eyes on sharp face have a sexy feels.
Q. How is the fans response to your Japan’s live stage?
Junhoe: Japan fans are warm and have good manner, it’s a great impression. Until now, we had our second tour. On fun part, the tension her higher. On ballad, please noiselessly listen to the calm song. So, every time I do the live stage I feel so happy too.
A maknae but he always listen to the other members’ talk and give us his thought, he is a healing mood-maker. He also really likes game, he’s the most gamer between our member. - Hanbin
Q. Please tell us about your memories on Christmas.
Chanwoo: I believed in Santa until I was 8 years old. On the old days, hyung told me “There’s no Santa” and I said “Lie!”. On that year for Christmas Eve, at night I saw my parents costumed as Santa Claus and secretly leaving the gift..I was really sad..For now it’s just a funny story, I was pretty shocked back then (laughs).
Q. Spot in Korea that you recommend?
Chanwoo: Yeosu. It’s a port city, the city is well-known for being lighted up at night. Because it’s good place for date, seems like there’s a lot of people who went with their lover too. I said “seems like” because, honestly I’ve never been there (laughs). I always wanted to go there.
Q. How did you feel when you debuted after the survival programs show that you’ve past through as a trainee?
Chanwoo: When we debuted, it was the day of our concert. Back then, the stage was distinct and intense. We unexpectedly did the performance in front of thousands of people. I remember I was so nervous, but on the other hand I said “ I have debuted now!” and feel powerfully overflowing with pleasure. I can’t forget the impression of back then.
Trans by :
[JPN-KOR] BEMECHURI | take out with full credits.
[KOR-ENG] HANBINAW | take out with full credits.
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